Help Ukraine

Image of a Byzantine icon of Jesus.
A Byzantine icon of Jesus.

Pray for Ukraine

O LORD our God, You heard Moses, when he stretched forth his hand unto You; so today, Lord, hear us praying to You. Strengthen the pious people of Ukraine by Your power, bless their deeds, increase their glory by victory over the enemy, strengthen the nation with Your almighty right hand, save the defenders of this nation, send Your angels to strengthen those protecting the peaceful people, give them everything needed for salvation; reconcile enmity and establish peace. Stretch forth, O Lord, Your invisible right hand, which intercedes for Your servants in all things. To those whom You chose to lay down their lives in this war defending their nation, forgive their iniquities and on the day of Your righteous judgement granting them the crown of immortality. For Yours is the power, the Kingdom, and the power, from You we all receive help, in You we place our trust and send glory to You; Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit, now, and forever, and ever. Amen.


Господи Боже наш, Ти вислухав Мойсея, коли він простягав до Тебе руки, і народ ізраїльський зміцнив на амаликитян, озброїв Ісуса Навина на битву та повелів сонцю спинитися. Ти й нині, Владико, почуй нас, що молимося до Тебе. Зміцни силою Твоєю побожний народ наш, благослови його справи, примнож славу його перемогою над ворогом, зміцни всемогутньою Твоєю правицею нашу державу, збережи військо, пошли ангела Твого на зміцнення захисників народу нашого, подай нам усе, що просимо для спасіння; примири ворожнечу і мир утверди. Простягни, Господи, невидиму правицю Твою, яка рабів Твоїх заступає в усьому. Тим же, кому судив Ти покласти душу свою на війні за віру православну, побожний народ наш і державу, прости їхні провини і в день праведної Твоєї відплати подай вінці нетління. Бо Твоя є влада, Царство і сила, від Тебе допомогу всі приймаємо, на Тебе надію покладаємо і Тобі славу возсилаємо, Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові, нині, і повсякчас, і на віки віків. Амінь.

Молитва до Богородиці за Україну

We pray today for Ukraine and ask for Your intervention in this senseless war levied by Russia. We pray, O God, for protection and that there would be peace. We pray for restoration and renewed hope. We pray for the families, especially, the children living through the horrors of war and all the upheaval and tribulation it brings. Amen.

Сьогодні під Твій покров, Мати Божа, віддаємо нашу Україну. Покрий її своїм чесним омофором. Мати Божа, Київська Оранто, молися за Твій люд! Амінь.

Refugees to Ontario


Image of Aid to Ukraine banner.

Catholic aid agencies that operate in Ukraine are:

Church Services

Please register with the Parish before seeking any sacraments or any other services. Registration forms are available in the Narthex, in the Parish Office, and online.

For information on baptisms, weddings, funerals, or sacraments, feel free to send us an email or fill out this contact form.

Remember “St. Demetrius Parish” in Your Will.

Stay in Touch

If you would like to request any intentions, such as health or for the departed, please don’t hesitate to call the Parish Office. You may also send requests for prayers by email. If you need to speak to a Priest for counselling, our phone lines are open.

Call for Volunteers

If you would like to volunteer at our Parish, please fill out our online volunteer form. Thank you!

Church Donations

Please consider making a donation or payment using the button below. You can pay through PayPal or by Debit/Credit Card. Use the dropdown menu to choose your selection. Liturgy intentions are stipends and are not issued tax receipts; only donations receive tax receipts. For instance, to request a Liturgy intention, first enter the amount and method of payment, then press donate to enter the details. Please write a brief description or provide the name for the intention where it says “Write a note” before entering your payment details. When making a donation in “Memory of”, please provide the name of the deceased under “Instructions from buyer”. Thank you!

Щоб скласти свої добровільні датки, просимо натиснути жовту кнопку “Скласти Пожертву”. Ви можете це зробити за допомогою PayPal або кредитної картки. Якщо подаєте прохання про молитву/намірення на Службу Божу, перш ніж вводити платіжні дані, прохання стисло описати ваше намірення, або подати ім`я/імена де написано “Написати замітку”. Щиро дякуємо!

Pre-Authorized Debit

You may also consider arranging a Pre-Authorized Debit for regular offerings. Just download this form, fill in the required information, and mail it to the Parish with a void cheque from your bank.

Become a Member

If you regard St. Demetrius as your Parish, then you should become an official member by filling out a registration form. There are no registration fees. Here are some reasons to register: If you need any administrative assistance, membership saves you time; you may join any Parish Organization or the Parish Council; you will receive our Parish Calendar free of charge and other mail-outs we do during the year. Also, you will be given a set of donation envelopes, so that any donations you make will qualify for an income tax receipt.

Social Media


For the latest livestream video, please visit our YouTube page.

We only livestream: Sundays 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m(available online until Mondays)


For the latest news from our Parish, please visit our Facebook page.


For the latest news from our Parish for events and event-related news, please visit our Instagram page.